TANGO Resilience Research Archive
Research and technical papers:
(Click on the year to find the document, if available online)
Resilience measurement in the field and impact evaluations:
(Click on the year to find the document, if available online)
(Click on the year to find the document, if available online)
- The Resilience Measurement Practical Guidance Note Series (2018)
- Does Resilience Capacity Reduce the Negative Impact of Shocks on Household Food Security? Evidence from the 2014 Floods in Northern Bangladesh, World Development (2017)
- The Effect of Livelihood Diversity on Recovery and Shock Impact in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda (2016)
- The Effects of Social Capital on Resilience Capacity: Evidence from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Niger, and Burkina Faso (2016)
- The Influence of Subjective and Psycho-social Factors on People’s Resilience: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence (2016)
- Shocks, Resilience Capacities and Response Trajectories Over Time (2016)
- Should Resilience be Conceptualized and Measured Differently in Asian Rural and Urban Contexts? (2016)
- DM&E of Resilience Interventions: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations (2015)
- Ex-post impact assessment review of IFPRI’s social protection research program of 2000-2012 (2015)
- Resilience Measurement Principles – Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design, Technical Paper No. 1 (2014)
- Current Approaches to Resilience Programming Among Non-Governmental Organizations (2014)
- A Common Analytical Model for Resilience Measurement, Technical Paper No. 2 (2014)
- Community Resilience: Conceptual Framework and Measurement (2013) and Webinar (2014)
- Background for the Expert Consultation on Resilience Measurement for Food Security (2013)
- Summary of the Expert Consultation on Resilience Measurement for Food Security (2013)
- Feed the Future Literature Review: Improving Resilience of Vulnerable Populations (2013)
- Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity amid Protracted Crisis (2012)
- Enhancing Resilience to Food Security Shocks in Africa (2012)
Resilience measurement in the field and impact evaluations:
(Click on the year to find the document, if available online)
- PRIME (Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion) Project Ethiopia, five-year project supported by USAID: TANGO conducted the mixed methods baseline impact evaluation (2013) and endline impact evaluation in 2017 (report forthcoming in 2019), as well as interim/recurrent monitoring (2014-15 and 2015-16) to measure household well-being and responses to shocks over time.
- RISE (Resilience in the Sahel-Enhanced) Project in Burkina Faso and Niger (USAID): TANGO conducted the baseline impact evaluation analysis (2016) and the mid-term impact evaluation in 2017 (report forthcoming). Endline/new project baseline planned for 2019.
- PREG (Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth) Project Kenya (USAID): TANGO is conducting the mixed methods impact evaluation in 2018 (ongoing).
- Enhancing Resilience and Economic Growth in Somalia (USAID, OFDA and FFP) TANGO led the mixed methods baseline resilience study (2016) and also conducted recurrent shock monitoring in 2017 (report forthcoming in 2019).
- Mali Resilience Research Report: TANGO conducted the analysis using the baseline data of USAID-supported projects in Mali (2018).
- Zimbabwe Resilience Research Report: TANGO conducted the analysis using secondary data of USAID-supported projects in Zimbabwe (2018).
- Nepal Resilience Research Report: TANGO conducted the analysis using the baseline data of USAID-supported projects in Nepal (2017).
- USAID Bangladesh- Comprehensive Risk and Resilience Assessment: TANGO conducted the analysis using secondary data and literature review (2016).